True North is a social enterprise based in the English Lake District

We offer yoga as a tool to empower survivors in (re-)discovering a safe connection to their bodies and a richer experience of their inner and outer worlds.

We provide:
  •  private and group trauma sensitive yoga 
  •  continuing education and trainings for yoga teachers 
  • organisations with resources to set up and run their own trauma sensitive yoga courses and provide holistic support for their users. 

Our profits provide therapeutic yoga to survivors of domestic and sexual violence.  

Find out more

about our community.

True North is a
social enterprise with a local, community feel and an
international reach.
We'd love for you to join us.

"For the first time in too long, I'm able to recognise and be with how my body feels. How I feel."

"I'm more aware where other people end and I begin."
                    - Trauma Sensitive Yoga participant

"Trauma sensitive yoga has allowed me to be vulnerable occasionally."

" I feel we've built a good connection even though we're meeting on Zoom.  Your passion for trauma sensitive yoga shines, and I'm looking forward to finally practicing together in real life." 

         - Trauma Sensitive Yoga participants